Are You Chronically Disorganized?
I teach a popular class: Understanding Chronic Disorganization.
Some people attend in the hope I’ll fix a family member, but most are there for their own sake. (Nope, can’t fix people.)
Common traits of CD are continual lateness, poor money management, packed closets, lost paperwork, incomplete projects, procrastination, and difficulty strategizing and staying on task.
Figuring out which of the many reasons people are chronically disorganized is key to smoothing out a bumpy life. Attention regulation, sabotaging self-talk, inaccurate sense of time, lack of help, or living and work places that are mismatched to one’s needs are just a few factors.
The Institute for Challenging Disorganization offers helpful fact sheets. ADDitude magazine is one of my favorite resources for up-to-date insights and tips that are serious, but doesn’t take itself too seriously, if you know what I mean.
To be successful in reducing disorganization and all its costs, focus on both internal and external changes.
There are situational changes we can make like improving lighting, moving furniture arrangements for better traffic flow (read fire lane), and installing organizational tools like shelves and containers. But no amount of Container Store or IKEA fun will help if you don’t make some internal changes.
Internal change is harder and far more effective. So get your inspiration with products and knowledge and then move on to those boring but essential tasks that make your life a lot easier. (Yes, I know, if it were easy you’d have done it already.)
You’ve got some habits to break and some to nurture.
You can hire or barter help to take care of what you can’t or won’t do yourself. We don’t think twice about paying mechanics to fix our cars, yet think it’s lazy or entitled to hire someone to wash dishes. Get over it and find help.
If you’re having trouble knowing where to start or what to do next, there are lots of pros at The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (yes, there is one), National Association of Professional Organizers, your therapist, and your coach (me!)
It’s ok to be disorganzied occassionally or even often or chronically. It’s not ok to ignore it and its effects on you and those you live and work with.
Learn, grow, be your best self.
Leslie Robison has decades of experience organizing and coaching folks in becoming their best self by mastering one day at a time. Read more at